The premier Scouting Event management system, built by Scouters for Scouters with innovative features not seen on any other system.
Event Management Your staff, volunteers, and units want an event management system, not just online registrations. We focus on the entire event!
Processes and Procedures You have them, we know them, and we work with them to help automate and streamline, giving your staff and volunteers more time to focus on delivering a great Scouting program!
Unit Features Units want the tools to manage their own registrations online. We do that!
And all this with SIMPLY THE BEST customer service - including the statistics to back it up!

Event Management
Camping, events and activities are a huge part of your council. How easily can your field staff monitor their units and numbers, your office staff answer questions and apply payments, your volunteers run reports, check people in, and close out events, and your accounting staff ensure revenue is properly recorded?
We make that easy!
- Flexibility to handle all your events. From Archery Rangemaster Training to a Zombie Apocalypse Camporee, from University of Scouting to Summer Camp - we are built from the ground up to handle all these events and more!
- True reporting. Not just a data dump to Excel, but the real reports your staff and volunteers want and need!
- Online event check-in. Quickly get your Scouts and participants checked into your events!
- Accounting. Upload full transaction detail quickly and accurately to PeopleSoft. Nobody else does anything like this!

Processes and Procedures
You have processes and procedures - it's what keeps you efficient and organized. Good software should work with them and make them better.
We focus on the entire process, not just parts of it.
- Camperships. From online application to entry in the GL, we support the entire process. All fully documented online!
- Member Validation. Automatically validate Scouts as they're registering. We even validate across councils!
- Refunds. Your check request online with electronic signatures. Fully documented for auditing!
- Payments at camp or event. Built-in process to ensure money taken outside the office gets receipted at the office. This ensures these funds are not forgotten or lost!

Unit Features
Units registering online want to manage their registration online, especially if fee schedules, merit badges and class scheduling are involved.
We give them that!
- User accounts. Units, den leaders, parents, and individuals can all optionally create accounts. User decided, user created, user maintained.
- Reporting and registration changes. They have the tools to manage their registration, including reports they don't know they need until they see them!
- Parent Portal. Scoutmasters can manage registrations while ensuring family privacy!
- Scoutmaster Mobile. Real-time access to summer camp attendance, requirement completion and even badge completion for each of their Scouts, right from their phones. Scoutmasters love this at summer camp!
- Scoutbook or Troopmaster upload. Helps units easily get advancement data into the tools they use!