Bay-Lakes Council

2021 Popcorn Sale ACH Electronic Debit Authorization

If you haven't done so, please register for the Popcorn Sale first through Pecatonica River Popcorn website:


FORM PURPOSE – Units (Pack, Troop, Crew, & Posts) should use this form to authorize the payment through ACH electronic debit of product sales from their Scout account during the 2021 Popcorn Sale. Each Unit acknowledges and agrees to allow the Bay-Lakes Council to debit the Unit’s account with *THREE (3) scheduled debit transactions for the purpose of collecting payment on the Unit’s popcorn sale. Units are responsible for the timely deposit of collected funds to ensure adequate resources to cover all scheduled debits. The Unit expressively authorizes repeat of any debit that fails for any reason. 

INFORMATION REQUIRED – Units (Pack, Troop, Crew, & Posts) will need to have their bank account number and routing number to complete the form. The ACH authorization form must be completed by an authorized check signatory on the Unit’s checking account or with the approval of authorized signatory.


*THREE (3) Scheduled Dates - Thursday, November 18th - Early Take Order/Show and Sell/Reorder (#1 ACH)

                                                       Friday, December 3rd  - Take Order (#2 ACH)

                                                       Friday, December 17th - Add on/Late Order  (#3 ACH)

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