Conquistador Council



The Conquistador Council believes that no Scout should be denied access to great program due to financial need. We encourage Scouts to work to earn their way to camp but sometimes it's not quite enough. Through the generous donations from supporters of Scouting, we are proud to offer camperships and scholarships to those in need to attend our camps.


A Scout is Thrifty. The Conquistador Council encourage all youth to pay their own way to Scouting activities, as this philosophy supports the basic aims of the Scouting program. However, we realize that some Scouts need a little extra help at times in order to participate. Camperships are limited to registered youth members of the Conquistador Council and may not be used for out-of-Council programs.


We encourage Scouting units and families to help Scouts earn funds for camp. Here are some suggestions:

  • Sell Popcorn!  The unit can allocate a portion of its commission to individual salesmen.
  • Organize a fund-raising project to specifically assist youth attending camp.  Each Scout should be given credit towards camp fees based on the amount of effort they puts forth.
  • Each Scout should be encouraged to save money on their own, i.e., birthday gifts, mowing lawns, etc.
  • If a Scout needs assistance finding a job, the Unit Committee should contact the Chartered Organization for help in identifying sources of jobs and funding.  If money is given, the Scout should work for it by doing projects for their church, school, or community.


If after trying all of the above, the Unit finds that a Scout still needs financial help, the Conquistador Council Campership program will attempt to provide assistance. The Unit Leader or the Unit Committee Chair must discreetly work with the family and carefully follow the procedure outlined below:

  • Verify with the family that there is a true need. Ensure that all other sources of funds have been exhausted before requesting campership assistance. Campership funds are very limited, and we are not able to meet all requests.  We need your help to see that campership dollars are provided to those who most need assistance.  Requesting funds for someone who does not truly need it may prevent another deserving Scout from receiving assistance.
  • The Unit Leader or Unit Committee Chair, with the discreet assistance of the family, must fill out the Campership Application.  The comments on each application will be treated as confidential and only the Council will have access to this information.  Applications will be destroyed following camp season.  The application must be filled out completely and signed by both the unit leader and the parent.  Incomplete applications will not be considered. You must answer every question on the form and the form must be signed.
  • In order to be considered, completed applications must be submitted to the Conquistador Council no later than May 15.  Applications received after this date will not be considered.
  • Each application will be carefully and objectively reviewed, based solely on the degree of need as indicated on the form. 
  • Camperships are awarded based upon need, full completion of the application, and timeliness. The committee will review the applications and set award amounts. Once approved, the Council will notify families, and apply the award amount to the Scout’s event registration.
  • The Scout must be registered for the event that the campership request is being made for in order for the award amount to be matched and applied toward the balance. The Scout must stay current with the payment schedule for the event. In the case that a campership award is greater than the balance due when approved, the difference will be refunded.
  • Camperships are limited to no more than 50% of the activity cost. 
  • Camperships are not transferable, refundable and have no cash value. If a Scout is granted a Campership and does not go to camp, per the Refund Policy, the Unit is responsible for the full price of Camp unless the Camping Department is notified before the final payment date. 


Applications must be submitted no later than May 15.  CAMPERSHIPS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED AT CAMP!


The Conquistador Council will make every effort to raise funds to aid families to send their Scouts to camp.  Therefore, if you know of any potential donors, please contact your District Executive. For further information contact Scout Executive, at 575-622-3461.


Thank You!