Conquistador Council


Conquistador Council - Eagle Scout Time Extension Request

This time extension request is for those Scouts whose advancement to Eagle Scout have been impacted by the COVID-19 Global Pandemic and are unable to complete the necessary requirements before their 18th Birthday.

If granted the Scout will be allowed to continue work on those needed requirements for no more than 3 additionally months following their 18th Birthday.



Per the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America


Q: Does the National Council grant extensions of time to complete rank requirements beyond the 18th birthday for the Eagle or 21st birthday for Summit or Quartermaster?

No, Effective January 1, 2021, local councils will have the authority to grant limited extensions of time to complete Eagle, Quartermaster, or Summit requirements. These extensions are available only to youth members who qualify under the three tests listed in the revised Guide to Advancement (GTA) topics,,, and forms and from the 2021 edition of the GTA, which will be published early in the year. Advance copies of these topics and forms are also published at

Q: Will youth who are not yet Life Scouts be allowed to apply for an extension to earn the Eagle Scout rank?

Extensions are considered only for Scouts who are Life rank. If, once a Scout achieves Life rank, it turns out that COVID-19 disruptions along the way have left them with insufficient time to complete Eagle requirements, then this may be cited when the time comes to submit an extension request.

Q: May local councils grant extensions?

Yes, Effective January 1, 2021, all time extension request are to be submitted to the local council. These extensions are available only to youth members who qualify under the three tests listed in the revised Guide to Advancement (GTA) topics,,, and forms and from the 2021 edition of the GTA, which will be published early in the year. Advance copies of these topics and forms are also published at

Q: If youth have already received an extension, can they request additional time due to COVID-19?

Yes. Council Scout executives may grant extensions, or delegate authority to the Council Advancement Committee to grant extensions under the limitations listed above.

Q: What should be done while an extension request is being considered?

Youth should continue to work on advancement in so far as they are able—e.g., independently, or over the phone or videoconference—and at Scouting activities once they resume.

Additional information can be found online at

Please complete the following form to be considered for the Extension.  Please note that information submitted below should be that of the Eagle Scout candidate and using family contact information.