Campership Form - Application for Financial Assistance
Chippewa Valley Council, BSA
Financial assistance is available for Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Venturers and Explorers who wish to attend the L.E. Phillips Scout Reservation. The Camping and Outdoor Programs Committee will make every effort to honor requests,however, funds are limited.
After submitting this form, a PENDING dollar amount may appear on this Scout's registration.
- This is a pending amount, and is subject to change and approval of the committee.
- You may receive less financial assistance than requested.
- Your unit contact will receive notification if the request has been approved or denied. If approved, they will be notified of the approved amount of financial assistance.
Financial Assistance Requirements:
- The youth must be a registered member of the Boy Scouts of America and reside in the jurisdiction of the Chippewa Valley Council.
- Financial assistance is for Scout families that demonstrate a need for financial assistance or the scout would not be able to attend camp. Reasons why this camp fee can not be afforded must be stated below in detail.
- The youth's family and/or unit must be prepared to pay at least 50% of the fee.
- The deadline for submission is May 1st.
- The form must be filled out in its entirety or it will not be considered. Any incomplete forms will be returned to applicant for completion before being considered.
- All information provided is kept confidential. Assistance can be granted only once in a twelve month period to a scout.
- This form must be filled out by the family requesting assistance
- Only this updated version of the Campership Form will be accepted.