Join the Seasonal Staff!
Fire Mountain is our HOME and we love to see it brining adventure to the life of every scout and scouter who enters our gates. The Seasonal Staff are volunteers who determined to make this happen and want to join the family of staff.
“Our obligation is ancient, our legacy will be eternal and so we will NEVER GIVE UP”
Cub Scout Adventure Day | Oct. 4-5 |
Webelos-ree | Oct. 11-13 |
Haunted Camp | Oct. 25-27 |
Council Auction Support | Nov. 9 |
Merit Badge Madness | Nov. 16 |
FAQ about the Seasonal Staff
- Do I need to have been summer camp staff in the past to join the seaonsal staff? : NO, anyone 14+ is welcome to sign up for the Seasonal Staff
- Do I need to particpate in EVERY weekend of program? No, we ask Seasonal Staff to commit to at least three weekends over a three month period though you can certainly sign up for more.
- What kind fo cool staff gear can I get? By commiting to three weekends you will get a seaonal staff neckerchief and nametag to wear and identfify you as staff, as well as a Camp Staff embelm if you wish to wear on your field uniform (class A).
- What is expected of me as a staff member? First and formost is to keep the Scout Law. Beyond this is to be cheerful in support of Fire Mountain and it's programs working professinally to maintain the honor of our camp and its legacy. You can find out more in the Staff Manual found on the Staff Welcome Page.
- What paperwork will I need to compete beyond this form? Check the Staff Welcome Page for a full list of required paperwork and other info.
- What is the difference between being "Seasonal Staff" and staffing an event? While the Seasonal Staff are volunteers they are ultimately answerable and work to the Camp Director for the purpose of providing leadership, support, and training to camp events, other council activities, or outside user groups.
- Don't forget we also have staff development weekends the first Saturday of the month (November-June) and monthly staff meetings on the third Tuesday of the month by Zoom. Reminders and sign up for developments and meetings will be shared through the staff discord server.