Ideally, every Scout in the Great Trail Council who desires to attend camp should have the opportunity regardless of the financial status of their parents or guardians. This ideal is subject to financial realities. Each Scout is encouraged to earn at least a portion of their own camp fees. Each unit is encouraged to assist financially their Scouts camp fees through fundraising activities and supporting the GTC Activity Fee Program.
The Council Camping Committee has developed this standard Campership Request Form and makes it available to all Scouts throughout the Great Trail Council.
The unit leadership (Leaders and Committees) should make a personal evaluation of the Scouts' ability and effort to earn the their camp fee, the ability and effort of the Scouts’ parents or guardians to pay the camp fee; Additionally please consider the ability of the unit to assist financially with the camp fee. If their personal opinion is that the Scout needs at least a partial campership, this Campership Request Form should be completed and submitted in, including the recommended amount of the campership.
The Campership Request Form must be completed by the unit leader to the Council Camping Committee Chairman via the form below. This request form must be received by April 1, 2025, to allow for review and final processing by the council.
1. The council provides financial opportunities for units, such as popcorn and camp card sales. Use these as ways to help Scouts “earn their way to camp”.
2. Your district committee should be able to suggest ways for units and Scouts to earn camp fees. Camperships are intended for Great Trail Council Camps and programs.
3. The Council Camping Committee suggests that units place money in a restricted account at the Council Service Center for future use by your local unit. Camperships are for Great Trail Council registered units.
4. Based on current demand of campership needs, general campership funds will be available from the council operating budget to be awarded by recommendation of a volunteer committee named by the Camping Committee Chairman. The Council Finance Committee has final approval of all requests.
5.Camp fees currently involve a three-tier schedule: standard fee; early payment discount; and late payment penalty. Since the campership application deadline is prior to the early payment discount deadline, the fee of any camper receiving a campership will be based upon the early payment discount provided the balance of the fee is received before the early payment date. Any late payment fees assessed are the responsibility of the individual / unit for not making full payment on time.
6. Due to limited resources and increased demand for camperships, completeness and timeliness are essential. Any paperwork which is not fully completed will be ignored. Any paperwork received after April 1, 2024 must be rejected.
This request form IS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE UNIT LEADER, NOT BY THE PARENT OR FAMILY OF THE SCOUT, and submitted via this on-line procedure on or before April 1, 2024. This form MUST BE COMPLETED IN ITS ENTIRETY to insure the Scouts' need is clearly expressed.