Campership Application Process
(due April 6th, 2025 by midnight)
The purpose of the council campership program is to make summer camp available to deserving Scouts registered in the Mid-America Council who could not otherwise afford the attendance fees. The program is not intended to provide more than 1/2 of the camp fees. Paying a Scout's way is a joint effort of the unit (Pack, Troop, Crew), the unit's chartering organization, the Scout and their family, and the campership program. Details of the application are confidential.
To be eligible, the following guidelines must be met by the youth applicant:
- Youth applicant must be currently registered within the Mid-America Council and in good standing.
- Youth applicant must be planning to use any campership funds towards one of the following:
- Cub Scouts: Cub Scout Day Camp, Camp Amikaro
- Scouts BSA: Camp Cedars
- Venturers: Camp Cedars
- Youth applicant must be recommended by his/her unit leader (Committee Chair, Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, or Advisor) and parent/guardian.
General information:
- Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
- Campership notification will be sent to the unit leader and parent/guardian.
- All youth using council facilities, whether for short-term (weekend) or long-term (summer camp) periods are already subsidized in part by the Mid-America Council's annual operating budget, which pays for taxes, camp rangers, maintenance, insurance, utilities, etc. The community, through United Way allocations, the Investment in Character (ICC) campaign, popcorn sales, camp card sales, trust fund income, sponsorships, Order of the Arrow, and campership fund donations helps pay this cost.
- All applications are reviewed by the Council Campership Committee. The committee is made up of volunteers. The allocations made by the Campership Committee are final.
- A campership is provided to an individual Scout and valid for a single camping season and cannot be transferred to another camping season or to another registered Scout.
- A Scout who receives a campership, but does not attend camp, forfeits the campership. The family and/or unit may still be responsible for any cancellation fees.
- Camperships are not granted to adults.
- The remainder of the camp fees must be paid prior to attending camp.
- Camperships are only provided for Mid-America Council camps and to Scouts registered in the Mid-America Council.
Make sure you have ALL information at hand, because you will not be able to access this request if you leave before it is completed or once you click the SUBMIT button.
Please note that camperships are NOT guaranteed. You will receive notification from the Mid-America Council by April 18, 2025.
If you have questions, contact the Mid-America Council at