Scholarship Application Process
Please read the Scholarship Information page on our website for a full description of the process and to download a copy of the application worksheet guide.
This is a different process than in past years. Make sure you have ALL information at hand, because you will not be able to access this request if you leave before it is completed or once you click the SUBMIT button. You will have an opportunity to print what you have submitted.
Please note that Scholarship awards are NOT guaranteed.
You will receive notification from Scholarship Voluntreer Team as follows:
- If you submit a scholarship request before April 1, 2023 at 12:00 noon, you should expect notification by May 31, 2023.
- If you submit a scholarship request after 12:00 noon on April 1 and before May 31, 2023 at 12:00 noon, and any funding is still available, you should expect notification by June 30, 2023.
NOTE FOR CUB SCOUT PARENTS: If you are applying for a camp scholarship for a Scout that is part of a team registrant type (Parent + Scout) then Council will need to manually apply your request. Please email the following information to the appropriate Camp Director once submitted: Scout's Name, Registration Number, Scholarship Amount Requested
Camp Rotary:
Camp Teetonkah:
Camp Gerber:
Cole Canoe Base: