Our goal of the campership program is to provide supplemental funding for registered Scouts attending summer camps, whose parents/guardians and unit leader certify is unable to pay the total cost for any outdoor program or event. Further, they acknowledge that the Scout is deserving of the grant, and sincerely interested in participating in the outdoor program. FUNDING IS LIMITED, AND SHOULD ONLY BE REQUESTED BY THOSE IN FINANCIAL NEED. Youth must learn to pay their own way and to honestly earn the money to do so. Teaching youth members to be self-reliant and to earn their own way is an integral part of training our youth members.
It is required that the youth, his/her family, and the unit or sponsoring organization make some contribution. The unit should sponsor a camping fee fundraiser, thereby allowing youth to earn the necessary camp fees. The unit should also provide a savings plan, whereby the family can contribute weekly towards the camp fees.
All applications are considered on the basis of financial need and pertinent information. Availability of financial assistance is dependent upon the Council’s ability to fund “camperships”. Funding will be considered up to 50% of the early bird camp fee. Applications must include all requested information. Incomplete applications will not be considered. Criteria used is similar to the Federal Income Eligibility Guidelines.
A volunteer committee will meet to review all applications received in the council office by March 1 for all summer camps. For best consideration, Scouts must be registered with the unit, and all fees except the amount awarded as financial assistance must be paid prior to the award being applied to the Scout’s camp registration. A second review date will occur, but please plan to apply early for best consideration.
The Parent/ Guardian and unit leader listed on the application will be notified by email of the amount of the assistance awarded as soon as possible after the Committee meets to review all applications.
Questions should be directed to our camping department at camping@crossroadsbsa.org.