This Scholarship is only for Council Camps and High Adventure put on by the Council, or for units that attend a National BSA High Adventure Base. Note that for Council Camps and High Adventure, these scholarships come out of their corresponding Budget. For Units that attend a National BSA base, funds are very limited. In both cases, Scholarship is based on funds available and the need.
This application is to apply for scholarships to aid Scouts in Packs, Troops, Crews, and Ships to attend Council Camps and High Adventure opportunities. In all cases of a scholarship being awarded it is dependent on available funds and if that funding is still available for a given year, high adventure or camp.
Thanks to donor designated funds, limited annual scholarships may be available for Scouts attending the BSA High
Adventure Programs. To ensure there are always funds available annually, there may be limitations on the amount or
number of scholarships available each year. There is no guaranteed amount of scholarship to be granted and the
maximum scholarship amount is limited to 50% of the per person fee, or $500, whichever is less. We cannot
guarantee that every youth that applies for this program will receive assistance.